Customised hearing protection

Customised hearing protection; here's what you need to know!

Hearing is one of the most important parts of the human body. For although it is not included among the vital parts, hearing is the basic function for communication with fellow human beings. Therefore, economy of hearing is imperative.

Providing hearing protection is our daily work, so we like to underline the importance of customisation. On this page, you will find all useful information on custom-made hearing protection.

Why customised hearing protection?

Hearing damage in the workplace, unfortunately still too often the order of the day. Of course, there are individuals who take it too easy to wear hearing protection. Or rather; with not wearing it. In this group, it is logical that hearing damage occurs. But there is also a group that makes an effort not to get hearing damage, but still gets it. They do use hearing protection, but this hearing protection is then not optimally adapted to the situation. We call this false safety. That is why custom-made hearing protection is very important. It prevents false safety. Especially with our annual free leak tests, about which more later on this page.

Advantages of customised hearing protection

We not only name the danger of improper hearing protection and hearing damage. But we also like to talk about the advantages of custom-made hearing protection. In doing so, we use two main principles, namely; safety and comfort.

Safety of customised hearing protection

We offer customised hearing protection in the form of otoplastics. We tailor these otoplastics entirely to the end-user's situation. We manage the entire production process ourselves. From fitting to production and delivery. This gives us complete control over quality.

Because quality is of great importance on the functioning of hearing protection. And thus the safety of the end user. Our otoplastics have a 100% fit, making sound leakage virtually impossible.

Comfort in using hearing protection

The comfort of hearing protection also affects safety. The more comfortable it is to wear, the more the hearing protection will actually be worn. Through our custom-made hearing protection, we produce a product that fits the user's ear perfectly.

laws and regulations

Hearing protection is not only a must, but also an obligation in certain situations. We conveniently list the most important regulations:

  • Does a workplace have a noise level higher than 85 decibels? Then a marking of this is mandatory.
  • Employees are required to wear hearing protection in situations where noise levels exceed 85 decibels.
  • From 80 decibels, employees are entitled to free hearing protection. Thereby, the best choice for employees is customised hearing protection.
  • Is the noise level above 87 decibels? Then measures should be taken to reduce the noise level.
  • Education about harmful noise is mandatory.

Information and prevention

We offer more than just custom-made hearing protection. To best serve our customers and be a full partner in hearing protection, we offer some great additional services. One of these is providing education.

Our advisers will be happy to educate your employees on the importance of hearing protection. But also about the risks and consequences of a lack of personal attention to hearing protection. We carry out these information sessions on location and try to encourage interaction. Together, employees ultimately ensure a safe working situation. You can read more about our information sessions at this page.

Information poster

Besides providing information, we also have several other prevention handouts published on this website. One of these is the information poster. Free to download at this page. Handy to have highly visible on the shop floor, so that your employees get the signal from time to time via the poster to use the hearing protection safely.

In addition to the poster, the following may also be of interest to you:

  • E-paper on hearing protection
  • Information and handouts on creating support.
  • Various prevention tips.

About Ronell

This page briefly tells you about custom-made hearing protection. Our advisers will be happy to tell you more about hearing protection in a personal meeting, without obligation, at your premises. Interested in our custom-made hearing protection services or want to know more about Ronell? Get in touch with us. We would also be happy to help you with your hearing protection issues.