Noise survey

Are you looking for a complete picture of the harmful sounds your employees are exposed to every day? Then we recommend having us carry out a noise survey at your premises. 

We do this by means of a targeted noise measurement, which also tracks employees' walking lines. Through this measurement, you can also find out from different functions within the company how many decibels your employees are exposed to and for how long.

Research design

To map exposure to harmful noise, person-specific noise measurements (dosimetry) are carried out in accordance with NEN-EN-ISO 9612. The measurements are carried out on representative working days so that the limit and action values that apply to daily exposure (TGG 8 hours) can be tested.

Whole-day method

The whole-day method consists of taking measurements during an entire working day. The employee(s) in the job group carry a noise monitor with them throughout the day within the hearing zone (on the shoulder). As more measurements are taken, a better picture of average exposure emerges, increasing the reliability of exposure and PPE advice.

Noise measurements (dosimetry)

Personal noise measurements are performed with a type II noise meter (Casella doseBadge Pro). Before and after the measurements, the doseBadge is calibrated using a calibrator. The monitor records and logs the average measured values (LAeq in dB(A)), including peak levels.

(Lc peak in dB(C)), also differentiating the sound intensity per octave band (frequency level).

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