Test yourself for hearing damage

Do I have hearing damage? Do these tests

Hearing damage is a common problem that can affect people of all ages. It can arise from various causes, such as noise exposure, age-related wear and tear, infections, or even genetic factors.

The importance of early detection cannot be emphasised enough, as untreated hearing damage can not only affect your ability to communicate, but also have a significant impact on your overall quality of life.

Early recognition and action can help limit damage and, in some cases, provide effective treatment options.

This article aims to inform you on how to easy way to test at home Whether you are showing signs of hearing damage. By being alert to the first signs, you can take steps to protect your hearing and, if necessary, seek professional advice.

The first symptoms are

Hearing damage can manifest itself in different ways and symptoms can be range from mild to severe. Recognising these symptoms is a crucial step in the early detection of hearing damage. Below is a list of symptoms that may indicate hearing damage:

  • You notice that you are having conversations in loud environments difficult to follow or that you often ask for things to be repeat.
  • You feel the need to make the volume of television, radio, or music players higher than usual to hear them properly.
  • An ongoing ringing, ringing, or other noise in the ears that is not caused by an external source.
  • You find it difficult to treble hear or distinguish between high-pitched sounds.
  • You have problems with the understood of people when they speak, especially when several people speak at the same time.
  • You experience fatigue or stress when listening, because you have to make extra effort to hear what is being said.


If you have one or more of these symptoms experiences, it is advisable to undergo further investigation or consider a hearing test. While these symptoms do not always indicate severe hearing damage, they can be indicative of the onset of hearing loss. Early detection and treatment can make a big difference in preserving and improving your hearing.


Testing at home

To test your hearing at home in an accessible way, there are several methods you can use. These tests can give an initial indication of whether you may have hearing damage. It is important to remember that these methods do not take the place of a professional hearing test, but can be useful for an initial assessment.

Online Hearing Tests

There are several online platforms and apps available that offer hearing tests. These tests usually use a series of tones of different frequencies and volumes to assess your hearing acuity. You will be asked to indicate whether you can hear the tones, which can give an indication of your hearing ability.

Provide a quiet environment and use good quality headphones for the most accurate results.


You can take online hearing tests here:


The high-frequency noise test

Younger ears can generally higher frequencies hearing than older ears. You can perform a test yourself by playing sound files containing high frequencies, which you can find online.

How to do: Play different sound files with increasing frequencies and note down to which frequency you can hear the sound.
Note: This method gives only a rough indication and depends on the quality of your playback equipment.

This can easily be done via YouTube:

How old is my hearing, hearing test


man takes hearing test


The Whisper Test

A simple way to test your hearing is through the whisper test, which you can perform with someone else's help.

Steps: Stand or sit about 1.5 to 3 metres away from the person with one ear turned towards them and the other ear covered. Have the person whisper at different volumes, from soft to normal speaking volume, and try to repeat what is said.

Evaluation: Difficulty understanding whispered words may indicate hearing loss.


Limitations of home testing

It is crucial to recognise that these home tests have limitations. They cannot detect all forms of hearing damage and are no substitute for a professional hearing test at an audiologist or ENT specialist. If your home test indicates possible hearing damage, or if you have concerns about your hearing, it is important to seek professional advice.

By applying these methods, you can perform a basic assessment of your hearing at home. These tests can help detect hearing damage early, allowing you to take the necessary steps to prevent or reduce further damage.