Tips to prevent hearing damage

7 Tips to prevent hearing damage in the workplace

Hearing damage is a common problem that is often underestimated, with potentially lifelong consequences. In today's dynamic work environment, the risk of hearing damage is significant, especially in sectors such as construction, shipping, maritime, and even police. Remarkably, workers are also at risk in less obvious work environments, such as government agencies.

Why is hearing protection so crucial? Long-term exposure to noise can lead to irreversible hearing damage, with symptoms such as tinnitus, hearing loss, and even mental health issues. The insidious nature of hearing damage makes it an insidious risk. And beware: it is often not noticed until it is too late.

At Ronell, we understand the seriousness of this problem. As hearing experts with a nationwide reach in the Netherlands, we focus on informing and protecting workers from the risks of hearing damage. In this article, we share essential tips and insights to prevent hearing damage in the workplace, based on the latest research and our extensive experience in the field.

7 tips to prevent hearing damage in the workplace

Tip 1: Wear hearing protection

Use earplugs or ear muffs in noisy environments. This is especially crucial in the construction industry or when working with noisy machinery.

Tip 2: Still noisy? As short as possible please

Set limits on the time you spend in noisy environments. Plan regular breaks to give your ears a rest.

Tip 3: Know how much noise there is in the first place

Use sound meters to measure sound intensity. This helps recognise potentially harmful levels.

Tip 4: Invest in less noisy machines

Invest in machinery and tools that produce less noise, which is especially relevant in the maritime and shipping sectors.

Tip 5: Make sure everyone is aware of the risks

Provide training on hearing protection and the risks of hearing damage. Awareness is the first step to prevention.

Tip 6: Consider the acoustics

Where possible, make adjustments in the working environment, such as sound-absorbing panels, to reduce overall noise levels.

Tip 7: Check hearing regularly

Have your hearing checked regularly, especially if you work in a high-risk sector such as the police or in noisy government institutions.

Hearing damage is a serious condition that is often irreversible. Therefore, it is essential to prevent hearing damage at all times. It is not only a matter of personal health, but also of professional responsibility and long-term well-being. By taking proactive measures and remaining aware of the risks, we can protect our hearing and the maintain the quality of our lives and work.


tips on protecting your hearing


Preventable because not curable

The saying "Prevention is better than cure" is nowhere more true than in hearing protection. With today's technologies, advanced solutions are available that effectively protect against hearing damage.

Let us first look at the different noise levels in various sectors:

Sector Average Decibel levels
Construction 80 - 100 dB
Shipping 75 - 100 dB
Maritime Industry 70 - 90 dB
Police (e.g. shooting exercises) 100 - 140 dB
Government (urban environment) 60 - 80 dB


Now that the different noise levels are clear, it is important to choose the right hearing protection. Otoplastics, custom-made earplugs, are an excellent choice here. At Ronell, we offer various types of otoplastics:


  • Otoplastics made of hard material: These offer robust protection, ideal for extremely noisy environments.
  • Otoplastics made of softer silicone: For comfort during prolonged use, perfect for an entire working day.
  • Otoplastics with communication solutions: Ideal for environments where communication is essential, such as police or marine.
  • Detectable otoplastics: Specially designed for the food industry, where safety is paramount and otoplastics should not get 'lost' in the food process.


At Ronell, we understand that every work environment is unique. That's why we offer an intake at your workplace to determine your exact needs. This allows us to determine which filters and type of otoplastics are most suitable for your specific situation. This personalised approach ensures the best protection and wearing comfort for every employee.

Our top tip: Pull a Ronelll Hearing Counsellor's coat quickly

At Ronell, one thing is paramount: preventing hearing damage. So our main tip is simple but essential: wear hearing protection. But we go beyond that. We understand the importance of creating awareness and support among employees. That is why we offer not only products, but also a complete support package.

With our various information posters, interactive toolbox sessions and personal on-site intakes, we not only help you choose the right hearing protection, but also convince your staff of its importance. Our aim is to create a safe working environment where everyone is aware of the risks of hearing damage.

In addition, Ronell has a in-house laboratory equipped with advanced 3D printing technology. With these, we make otoplastics that fit perfectly, with no sound leaks and optimal wearing comfort. So comfortable that they can be worn for an entire working day - or longer. This contributes to greater acceptance among employees.

Safety is our priority, which is why we also offer two years of free leak testing to. We ensure that your hearing protection always functions optimally. Our regional hearing consultants are ready to serve you quickly and effectively. We stay involved and regularly check how you are doing to ensure safety in your workplace.

At Ronell, we pride ourselves on working with major government agencies and leading companies in the construction industry. We are ready to work with your work situation too. Identifying hearing risks and taking proactive steps is essential. We are ready to help you with this, for your own safety and well-being.


tips on hearing protectors

Protect your ears as soon as possible

Hearing damage cannot be cured. Therefore, prevention is the watchword. Wondering what you can do with hearing protection?